40 years already! Time flies, but one thing remains: our commitment to taking you on a journey. Ambassadors of New Caledonia since the beginning, it is thanks to you that we can be proud today of our history and our journey. We thus want to share this anniversary with you.

For 40 years, we have been transporting your dreams and emotions across continents, sharing our love of the sky. Today, ambitious at heart, Aircalin is committed from the tips of its wings to clearer skies and more sustainable travel.

For our 40th anniversary we invite you to participate in our BIRTHDAY LOTTERY to try and WIN 10 round-trip TICKETS to New Caledonia!

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the world!

  • Watch the movie

    Watch our new 40th anniversary movie

  • Fill in the form

    Fill in the form with your personal information

  • Answer the question

    Answer correctly and qualify for our lottery

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